Estamos no meio do Mar, no sentido do movimento para sempre. Em contacto com a sabedoria e arte de
Fluir em tudo, na vida, confiando nos ciclos e nos ritmos.
Estamos na Terra, no sentido do
Centro (em receptividade) a partir do qual tudo pode permanecer, onde há tempo para amadurecer, onde tudo é nutrido e se fortalece.
Estamos no Céu, no sentido da
Expansão, na direção Alta, das inspirações, receptivos e em profundo compromisso com todas as coisas.
I r à R a i z
- onde tudo Inicia
- onde tudo Regressa
Nas aulas regulares de Chi Kung em Lisboa alinhamos o nosso ritmo com o ritmo do universo.
mais info:
+++ ***+++ texto inspirado no Silêncio da Lua Nova de Junho 2019
PS: escrito no café. Ao ir pagar a conta a senhora procurou o registo e disse que era a mesa 30 e disse o valor da conta.
Li (Clarity)
I Ching Hexagram 30
Li (Clarity)
Action: Perceive
Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust
Zong Gua (underlying cause) 29 Abyss: Relinquish
When you can appreciate nature’s power to break through all barriers, you will discover that this same power is inside of you.
Life is a pure flame and we live by an invisible sun within us. – Thomas Browne
Reading at a Glance: Li is associated with enlightenment and nurturing the idea of serving clarity of purpose. The judgment says ‘care of a cow brings good fortune.’ Should you have the opportunity to care for a cow you learn about interdependency, a mindset of being docile, serving another, and the voluntary dependence you share with life. The more you feed the cow, the more the cow feeds you. If it stays healthy, you stay healthy thus ‘that which is bright rises twice.’ Li shows your interdependence with others in relationships and your interdependence with the Way. Life is what you make of it. Clarity and inspiration abound when receiving this hexagram and the greatest place to find this is by stepping out of your routine to observe nature. The plants would tell you how by sitting still you can follow your inner guidance and flower. The river would tell you to go with the flow. Animals might tell you not to make the hunt for nourishment so complicated, follow your instinct, use your senses and honor the blessing of your meal. Wherever you look, you will see poetry. Critical Mass as the influence has creative vision at its center. The Abysmal suggested a time of adjusting your paradigm, but now you must draw from your inner vision and align it with events. When life becomes complicated, you need only look for the inspiration that reminds you to follow that which keeps your inner light burning. What are you passionate about? Be that. A time of great creativity or a quantum leap of insight is emerging. Clarity teaches you that the only sign post you need can be found by aligning your inspiration to the path you walk. Li is the shining light of inspiration that marries your inner and outer world into Clarity. Dreams of transportation symbols teach us about our motivation. It is our motivation (conscious or unconscious) that drives us through life. "The relic from before birth enters the heart one day, be as careful as if you were holding a full vessel, be as gentle as if you were caressing an infant." There is some aspect of us that has been unchanging since birth - we need to make it our alter and cling to it. Neediness is how we misplace our sense of center.
the unchanging:
cling to
“The clinging means resting on something. When the waters of the Abysmal flow into the pit, we search for something to cling to." Li is the image of the Clinging Fire, formless except the essence of fuel that keeps it burning. When the changes are underway your only footing is the reference point of the Self. When it too, is undergoing transformation, you must find something more meaningful to cling to.
What emerges from any difficult transition is the discovery of that thing which will guide and support you when all else is taken away. This is like a light that is always burning in the darkness. Although events ‘out there’ orchestrate the changes, they merely lead you to cultivate a shift of awareness ‘in here.’
The master said: “The cultivation of the self consists in the rectification of the mind.” The rectification of the mind usually consists of letting barriers go. "That which is bright rises twice." Even the most difficult circumstances cultivate your inner fire in a way that allows you to shine more brightly ‘out there.’
After the Abysmal waters have receded, we often arrive at the suchness existing at every moment, without the need to look any further. You may discover: 'what is…is,' and stop fighting the very thing that shapes you and reveals your purpose. “Life is like a flowing river; identify its current to know contentment.”
When life is free to move spontaneously, a beautiful harmony can be observed. Obstruction only emerges because you may classify things in terms of good, bad, right or wrong, but the idea of obstruction is a man made illusion. Nature is blind to the idea of obstacles, except in the way that it tears them down. What you may call difficulty is the tearing away of what is blocking your inner light and movement.
The unnatural things that we build to obstruct life’s forward progress will never be a match for its enormous power to break them down. Even water will immediately break down the molecules of whatever substance comes into contact with it. Li is the expression in attitude and behavior of an openness that allows all things to keep moving forward. Whether it is removing the outworn, or building something new, nature is always productive.
This transformative power unleashes inner direction and awakens you to a powerful center that you can cling to.
The master said: “When the mind is like a mirror, it grasps nothing, refuses nothing, receives, but does not keep.” This is an important mindset during any difficulty. To approach the gateway, you can use mind as a portal or a prison. When you “unblock the openings” you can view a world bathed beneath the power of your inner light.