"How can the arrow shoot itself and find its target without a shooter?
First we must see that we cannot will ourselves to be open because openness is our very nature.
Any tiny residue of willing, of wanting to be open takes us away from what we are. Willing never goes beyond willing. So the only way to be free from this circle is to glimpse the truth that openness is the egoless state, that it is here and now.
This openness is free from all center and periphery; it is without a controller, an observer, one who chooses or decides. All functioning takes place spontaneously.
To take your example of archery, this means that the target and the position and state of the body and arrow are all witnessed without goal or intention.
At a certain moment the right elements come together and the arrow is spontaneously released, but there is no one who lets it go.
When there is no shooter it is the non-state of the man of Tao whose perfect relaxation in the midst of action lets in the flow of Tao."
Jean Klein 1989