28 de abril de 2020

Contemplar Maio

' The written word has taught me to listen to the human voice,

much as the great unchanging statues have taught me to appreciate bodily motions '

Marguerite Yourcenar

C h i    K u n g   -   I r   À   R a i z

em Maio continuamos a prática regular em casa

Inscrição através do email chikung.ana@gmail.com

 uma p e d r a . agosto2019

Satsuki: Podes contemplar a pedra.

Mizu: Qual?

Satsuki: A que te chamar....

25 de abril de 2020

alignment comes from the bones? (what do I feel?)

para enriquecer a pesquisa interna
o trabalho e as palavras de 

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen 

"Alignment comes from the bones, movement comes from the muscles. We’re used to using our muscles to make the alignment when it is really the bones’ awareness of themselves that will bring the alignment.

Embryologically, the bones create the architecture of the alignment and the muscles come in later, once the architecture is almost finished to create movement.

When the bones don’t recognize themselves, when the structure is unaware of itself, the muscles come in as a compensatory pattern to create alignment.”

"Organs provide us with our sense of volume and organic authenticity. They are the primary habitats for our emotions, aspirations, and memories of our inner reactions to our personal histories.

Whereas our external skeletal-muscular system guides our external movement through space, organs occupy our inner space and therefore guide our internal movement. The organs express our inner motivations; our skeletal-muscular system provides the structure for their outward expression. Our bones align and move us through the environment; our organs provide the internal integrity for that alignment. Muscles provide the visible forces for the mobility of our bones; organs provide the internal patterning that contributes to the organization and patterning of muscular coordination."

17 de abril de 2020

One must remain in the vastness

 d e e p e a r t h v a s t s k y . Abril2020

One must remain in the vastness,
alert and lucid,
Letting one's gaze encompass
the infinity of the sky,
As though seated on the summit
of a mountain open
to all the horizons.

Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol
(1781 - 1851)

11 de abril de 2020

the lost pearl

 way into  . abri2020


The Yellow Emperor went wandering

To the north of the Red Water

To the Kwan Lun mountain. He looked around

Over the edge of the world. On the way home

He lost his night-colored pearl.

He sent out Science to seek his pearl, and got nothing.

He sent Analysis to look for his pearl, and got nothing.

He sent out Logic to seek his pearl, and got nothing.

Then he asked Nothingness, and Nothingness had it!

The Yellow Emperor said:

"Strange, indeed: Nothingness

Who was not sent

Who did no work to find it

Had the night-colored pearl!"

MERTON THOMAS, The Way of Chuang Tzu, New Directions, 1965.

8 de abril de 2020

how deep is TAO

precious . abril2020


" My Master said: Tao, how deep, how still its hiding place! Tao, how pure! 
Without this stillness, metal would not ring, stone when struck would give no answer.
The power of sound is in the metal and Tao in all things. 
When they clash, they ring with Tao, and are silent again. 
Who is there, now, to tell all things their places? 
The king of life goes his way free, inactive, unknown. 
He would blush to be in business. He keeps his deep roots down in the origin, down in the spring. 
His knowledge is enfolded in Spirit and he grows great, great, opens a great heart, a world's refuge. Without forethought he comes out, in majesty.
Without plan he goes his way and all things follow him. 
This is the kingly man, who rides above life. This one sees in the dark, hears where there is no sound. In the deep dark he alone sees light. In soundlessness he alone perceives music.
He can go down into the lowest of low places and find people. 
He can stand in the highest of high places and see meaning.
He is in contact with all beings. That which is not, goes his way. That which moves is what he stands on. Great is small for him, long is short for him, and all his distances are near."

MERTON THOMAS, The Way of Chuang Tzu, New Directions, 1965.

1 de abril de 2020

il est un avec le Tout

above .mar2020

"Supposons qu'il existe un homme entièrement absorbé par l’immense giration cosmique, et se mouvant en elle dans l’infini.
Celui-là ne dépendra plus de rien.
Il sera parfaitement libre, dans ce sens que sa personne et son action seront unies à la personne et à l’action du grand Tout.
Aussi dit-on très justement :
le sur-homme n’a plus de soi propre ;
l’homme transcendant n’a plus d’action propre ;
le Sage n’a plus même un nom propre.
Car il est un avec le Tout."