precious . abril2020 |
" My Master said: Tao, how deep, how still its hiding place! Tao, how pure!
Without this stillness, metal would not ring, stone when struck would give no answer.
The power of sound is in the metal and Tao in all things.
When they clash, they ring with Tao, and are silent again.
Who is there, now, to tell all things their places?
The king of life goes his way free, inactive, unknown.
He would blush to be in business. He keeps his deep roots down in the origin, down in the spring.
His knowledge is enfolded in Spirit and he grows great, great, opens a great heart, a world's refuge. Without forethought he comes out, in majesty.
Without plan he goes his way and all things follow him.
This is the kingly man, who rides above life. This one sees in the dark, hears where there is no sound. In the deep dark he alone sees light. In soundlessness he alone perceives music.
He can go down into the lowest of low places and find people.
He can stand in the highest of high places and see meaning.
He is in contact with all beings. That which is not, goes his way. That which moves is what he stands on. Great is small for him, long is short for him, and all his distances are near."
MERTON THOMAS, The Way of Chuang Tzu, New Directions, 1965.